Phycocyanin from Raw Living Spirulina May Save Your Life!

I was talking with Tim White about “Raw Living Spirulina” when he said this:

Behind that green chlorophyll is the blue phycocyanin and that’s really the magic phytonutrient in spirulina that anyone can go on to the National Institute of Health type in the word phycocyanin type in the word spirulina and you name it, you type in cancer you type in heart disease you type in diabetes you type in any health challenge people are facing today and you will see study after study after study that shows the dynamic results that people are getting using spirulina.

Zoom with Dr. Michael Haley


Tim also mentioned that “phycocyanin… is the only blue phyconutrient on the planet today in food”. We will not find phycocyanin in fruits or vegetables. Blueberries are actually purple. So if the blue phycocyanin scientifically has a strong place in medicine and spirulina is the best source of phycocyanin, then spirulina truly is a superfood of superfoods.

You many know me as “The Aloe Guru”. But many know me as “Organic Mike”. The “Organic” part is from “organic chemistry” and not a reference to organic food. I’m a science guy – and Tim got my attention. I’m also a skeptic. So I did some research to see how for myself how much science was out there supporting the use of spirulina for optimal health.

The Science of Phycocyanin

I headed over to and searched with the words “phycocyanin” and “cancer”. There were 110 results, many of which the full text was available such as one called “Phycocyanin Inhibits Tumorigenic Potential of Pancreatic Cancer Cells: Role of Apoptosis and Autophagy“. In the abstract it stated:

Accumulating evidence shows that phycocyanin has a potent anticancer effect both in vitro and in vivo on a variety of cancer cell types, such as lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer and bone marrow cancer. In addition, administration of phycocyanin at the high doses from 0.25 to 5.0 g/kg body weight (w/w) does not induce noticeable symptoms of toxicity nor mortality in animals. These studies suggest a therapeutic potential of phycocyanin in cancer treatment.

The results of this study showed that “Phycocyanin inhibits cell viability in tumor cells and has little effect on normal cell line”.

It is apparent that phycocyanin will play a role in future cancer prevention and care. But what about heart disease? What about diabetes? Research was indeed promising in these areas as well. In fact a search of just “phycocyanin” produced 2,073 results on I found that phycocyanin could also be used for inflammatory bowel conditions and even arterial plaque reduction. Truly, the benefits will cross over likely to every condition searched.

My conclusion is sobering as I though I owned the one company that has the best source of the sole superfood panacea that could do far more to help people more than any other food on the planet. That statement is only mostly true! Aloe vera is truly a superfood among superfoods… but now I know there are two! Put the superstar superfood Raw Living Spirulina right there at the top with Raw Aloe vera!